Sunday Songs (2nd grade)
For six weeks we were privileged to have volunteer violin trainer Kristin joining the team. The day she left Palestine back home to Iceland, we experienced heavy rainfall, the first time since the long hot summer. The day of her departure was a sad day but at the same time full of new opportunities: like the rain lets crops grow on the land, Kristin let our team grow! She gave an intensive training to our new violin teacher Aleen and the violin students have improved tremendously during the past six weeks. She has written many music theory sheets, orchestra pieces, violin pieces and started writing our own violin group teaching method. Thank you Kristin for your passionate work with us!
The pictures are all taken on Sundays in October. While we teach the 70 1st and 2nd graders both on Wednesday afternoon, Sunday is the day when we only work with the 2nd graders. Thank you volunteer Duan for making the pictures!